Monday 29 July 2013

Learn About Life Purpose and Values

What is you life purpose? Have you identified your core values?
Life is not a dress rehearsal and should be lived to the full.

It is important to assess your life purpose and core values so that you can be able to know what you should do in life. I have taken time before identifying what I was meant to do in life and how to live a fulfilling life through the process of assessing and identifying my core values to check if they resonate well with what I am doing.

Many people are struggling in life simply becuase they have not assessed and identified their core values. They wonder why they are not happy with the achievements they have made in life.

1.0    My Life Purpose Statement:
My purpose is to care deeply, love intensely, and to share generously; to joyfully explore, learn, grow, and prosper; to creatively inspire and empower others to achieve their full potential; and to serve the Lord Almighty, in a harmonious and loving way.
2.0    My 5 Core Values

1. Family (members of my household)
My family is my everything; it is my all. They mean a lot to me; I would do anything in my power to protect them and keep them safe. They amuse and entertain me and I love them so much.

I want to spend more meaningful and enjoyable time with them and value all those little moments that I’m often too busy to recognize. I want to build better relationships with each of my children, as well as my wife, and learn to listen to them more attentively.

As family is so very important to me I need to start better recognizing their place in my life. The best way I can do this is by cherishing every moment and really being there with them, whenever possible.

2. Honesty (morality, righteousness, trustworthiness)

I value honesty with all my heart. At the deepest level I can’t handle dishonesty and I find it hard to even cope with dishonesty from my children – nothing irritates me more than when they try to lie to me to cover up something!

Accordingly, I try to be as honest as I can with everyone else. Anytime I am at all dishonest, I feel sick to the stomach, even if it is the most minor of things. I value honesty so much because it goes hand in hand with trust, and trust is vital to any relationship.

On a deeper level I want to be more honest with myself, my feelings and my desires. Sometimes I’m not completely honest with myself when it comes to acknowledging my own reactions to other people or situations.  I need to work on that to find real contentment and happiness.

3. Self-development (development, progression)

“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.”
Benjamin Franklin

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”  Matthew 4:4  

 “Practice these things; immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.  1 Timothy 4:15  

I will always strive to learn to develop myself in order to grow and be more knowledgeable.

“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.”
T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game Of Wealth
4. Caring (compassion, kindness, generosity)
Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse. “ Proverbs 28:27 

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone and especially to those who are of the household of faith”. Galatians 6:9-10

5. Prosperity (abundance, richness, wealth)
“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need”.   

I strive hard to prosper as prescribed in the Bible that we will get life in abundance. My prosperity will be used for a good course. 
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29:11  

“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” Jeremiah 17:10  

3.0    The Need
1.   There are many people who want to feel better and live a healthy life.
2.   Many people need financial freedom to change their lifestyles forever
3.   Many people are tired of feeling tired and therefore need quality products
4.   Many people are tired of their work and want to quit.

 I hope this useful to you in determining what God wants you do in life.


How to advertise your SFI Gateway for free

Many SFI affiliates get discouraged to sponsor new affiliates online because of lack of knowledge on freeways of advertising. If money is real tight for you, there is a "totally" FREE ways of advertising your Gateways and drawing affiliates to your downline! I would like to share with some important tips on ways of advertising online for free.

First, create your own blog for free at,, or at one of the numerous other free blog hosts on the Internet. Build it with your SFI business as your blog's theme.

Next, sign up as a free member at a manual traffic exchange (such as or Promote your blog and/or Gateways through your traffic exchange to drive traffic to your SFI Gateways and blog.

By using this method, I have signed up several new affiliates and many of them have already become an Executive Affiliate.

Hope this helps you in your SFI business.

Click here for more:

How to Earn More Profits in Your MLM Business

Since 2005 I have learnt a lot about internet marketing and network marketing. I would like to share with you some of the approaches or methods used for online marketing that I happen to have learnt online.

There are various approaches and method to online marketing. It is important know about each method so that one can compare the results. This list sums up the online marketing methods. This is marketing at personal level and includes telling your network and friends, making a business card etc. Article marketing implies writing articles and submitting them to web article directories.

When you write article, you are allowed to put a back link to your website in author's bio box. People looking for information will come and read your article. If it interests them, they would visit your web site for more information. Article marketing is a very good method to build links for your site, enhance your website's search engine ranking and getting traffic. What is more, it is absolutely free until you wish to use paid services.

Bum marketing is a method of marketing using articles with a twist. Here, you search for potential keywords that can be dominated, write articles on those and submit them to article directories with an affiliate link to the product you want to promote. Forum is a place where people gather and discuss their problems, strategies etc. There are many forums on the web that you can join and participate in discussion.

Most of the forums allow a link back to your website in your signature text which would appear below the post you make. This is a good traffic builder. It involves search engine optimization of your website design and content. Search engine use their algorithm to rank websites and when people search for something, these websites are displayed as the search engines would rank them.

Search engine optimization or SEO are the methods by which you try to build your site and content so that it may please the search engines. You either learn SEO or use the paid services. This is a paid service where you pay the service provider every time your link is clicked. This kind of marketing is quite popular with internet marketers.

Apart from Google and Yahoo there are many other pay-per click services available. You can start your own newsletter or ezine or electronic magazine which your subscribers can choose to receive. Creating an ezine is an integral part of your internet business. Here two or more marketers come together and promote a product or service in a way that it will benefit them all. Joint ventures are a great way to build your business because the marketing efforts are combined and results are always more than individual efforts.
You can purchase placement of your website link on other website.

This is very commonly done for SEO as one way incoming backlinks are used to rank your website by search engines. This method also brings in traffic if the site that you purchased link placement from is heavily visited website. You can launch your own affiliate program where people can join. Then they would advertise your product with their affiliate link. When a sale is made, they get a pre-set commission. You will need an affiliate program manager to do this.

See you later.


Sunday 28 July 2013

How To Succeed In Your Network Marketing Business

Network Marketing or MLM is an online opportunity that empowers members to make money without experiencing the common problems, challenges, and pitfalls most go through when attempting to start a home based business.
It is my intention and chief aim to explain how and why network marketing business or MLM are beautifully designed and carefully crafted to immediately make you extra income.
The purpose is clear, the foundation is laid, and now it is time to get paid doing the things you love to do and share with the world.
Network marketing companies pays commissions that allow members the chance to leverage and create a lifestyle-altering, life-changing income from the comfort of their own home.
Here are the 12 key steps you need to know to succeed in your network marketing business:
Choose the right sponsor. This is crucial to your success and the right one will help coach you to your success.
Choose the right company for you. You should do some research to determine which company is best for you personally.
Realize that it will take time. Network Marketing or MLM (multi-level marketing) is real business and not a get rich quick scheme.
Have a game plan.  Literally, write out your plan for building your business.  You will have greater success than those who don't.
Success can be learnt. Read books by those who have been successful.
The “why” is most important. Why are you getting involved? Better lifestyle or Freedom or Financial security. Now, define what that means to you.
Set written goals.
According Brian Tracy “Success is goals and all else is commentary”. This is an important discovery throughout all of human history. “What is it that you want?” This is a critical question which you need to ask yourself and be able to answer it with certainty. Even Jesus Christ used to ask people who needed help and they would answer by saying, “I want to be healed” or “I want my son to be healed”. Then Jesus would say your faith has healed you or your son. It is important to note that your life only begins to become an abundant life when you clearly identify what it is that you want, make a plan to achieve it and then work on that plan every single day.

“The primary reason for failure is that people do not develop new plans to replace those plans that didn’t work.” (Napoleon Hill).

There are three turning points in your life: First, you should discover that you are responsible for my life and for everything that hap­pens to you. For me I have learned that life is not a dress rehearsal. Life is the real thing. You can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal you set for yourself. As such, you need to set your goals and make a plan to achieve those goals. Don’t procrastinate. Tomorrow may be too late! Start now. These are the things you need to do for your network marketing business to be successful:
·         Attend company meetings and training calls.
·         Study your products and learn them well.
·         Share your products and opportunity at every chance you get.
·         Employ a strong recruiting and prospecting system so that you don't run out of prospects.
Treat your business like a business
If you purchased a franchise, would you expect it to make money for you if you only worked it a few hours a week? Or if you didn't get trained? Or if you only tried for a few months? Or if you didn't follow the proven guidelines of the creators of the franchise? Of course not! That's ridiculous. Network marketing is no different. Success in network marketing business requires commitment.

I am continually amazed at how many people think that money will somehow magically fall from the sky without work, without plans, or without an intense commitment.

The fact is, anything worthwhile in life requires effort and commitment. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, and we'd all be highly educated. It's the same thing with having your own business.

In short, if you treat your MLM business as a serious, full-time business, put in the effort and commit to its success, it will become a serious, full-time business.

Enjoy the journey.
Have fun and enjoy the journey.
Aristotle once said, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

I hope you will find this useful.

7 Hidden Secrets for Network Marketing Success

‘Retired? Unemployed?  Laid-Off?  Or insufficient Income? Start your own Internet business from home. Build residual and leveraged income to create real wealth’. These are some of the phrases that are used as adverts for network marketing or MLM business.
You probably know what network marketing is all about also known as direct sales or multilevel marketing. Most probably you have already heard about names such as Avon, Amway Herbalife or Tupperware. Or maybe you have been under pressure from a salesperson trying to convince you to join their team if you want to become a millionaire. What does it take to succeed in this industry?
First and foremost, you must find the right company for you. Secondly, you need to be passionate about the business you choose. Thirdly, you must be willing to dedicate time and effort to the business you have chosen before reaping any fruits from your hard work. Last and not least, don’t quit. If you follow these basic principles, you too, can be an entrepreneurial success story. Here are the seven secrets for making it on the network marketing industry.
Choose the right company
Before choosing the right company for your business, it is important to do your homework. What is important is to found out how much out of each sales money get paid back to the distributors each month.
More importantly, you need to find out how fair the distribution of the money between the old members and the new members. This should include a commission program which is powerful. For instance, once you sign up a member or affiliate, they should become your customer for life. More importantly, the company should be able to take care of all order processing, product shipments, and customer service at no cost to you, and should pay you a direct commission for every order placed by your members and affiliates for life.
Additionally, you need to check the integrity of the company or how reliable the company is and its management. You need to explore the experience of the Chief Executive Officer or CEO, his or her experience in the network marketing or MLM industry. You need to check how they have been successful in other companies in the industry and whether they have a good reputation.
The other thing which you need to consider is the momentum and timing. You then look at where the company is located; its headquarters and its annual revenue. You also look at what's going on with the company and whether it is growing or not.
The last thing to consider is the support, training and business systems that the company provides. I know of a friend who chose a great company with excellent management, products that make a difference, a pay plan that is distinctively fair and very generous, with a good momentum and stability, but then only to find that the company did not have a system in place that works. As such, he ended investing a lot of his efforts and losing his hard earned cash. In most cases, some companies have skills transfer with a mentoring system.
 Practice what they preach
For you to be successful in your network marketing business, you need to be eager to pay attention and learn from your mentors. It is in the best interests of the network marketing veterans in your company to help you succeed. As such, they should be willing to impart knowledge with you about the system.
Build your Team for Success
First and foremost, you should always lead by example. Do all the things that you want your downline members to do, and they will follow your lead. Secondly, you should provide robust support to your downline all the time. Don’t forget that you succeed only if they succeed. Lastly, “work with the workers” and always remember this critical principle.
The Power of Duplication
Whatever your mentor did to become successful, it can be duplicated. Conversely, you have to be willing to take note and follow the steps outlined in the system.
Use the Internet for Your MLM Business
Nowadays, people are using the internet as their main marketing tool. As such you can easily set up your site with autoresponders in order to capture leads. One of the greatest keys to success in the MLM industry is follow-up. Automation on the internet allows a much more reliable method of following up. Send out a weekly newsletter to your entire downline.  Don't expect lots of responses. Instead, stay focused on publishing valuable information in your blog each week. Don’t forget that most people are extremely skeptical that they can make money on the Internet.
Over time, your consistency will demonstrate that your MLM is real, that you're real, and then they'll want to jump in. Consider your weekly newsletters as follow-ups and remember that in the advertising world, it is well-known that most people have to be exposed to something at least 10 times before they can notice it...time and again many times more before they take action such as making a purchase. Use this information to your advantage with a regular weekly newsletter.
Take Care of Your Business
Treat your network marketing business as a business if you want it to be one. This is a business, and just like if you were running a brick and mortar business, franchise or a storefront, you should keep you proper books of accounts.
It's important to set up your mastermind team to support you. You may wish include accountants and lawyers who deal in network marketing. They may be well-versed in all the laws and how that affects the MLM business or an accountant who specializes in home based business specifically in the direct-selling industry.
Don’t Quit
Last and not least, my advice to you is that you should be patient. As such you shouldn’t be tempted to quit.  You should therefore be willing to dedicate time and effort to your business before reaping any fruits from your hard work. Do something to grow your business every day.

Vincent Lombardi once said, “Success demands singleness of purpose."

I hope this will help you in your MLM business.

Friday 26 July 2013

How To Make Money Online with SFI Marketing

In 2005 I developed a lot of interest in internet marketing and network marketing. As usual I met a lot of huddles along the way and wasted a lot of my hard earned money and got into serious credit card debt. I had not done a lot of homework; I had just jumped into internet marketing with all my feet  and as a result suffered a lot stress because I became broke.

As I was researching for the most suitable online business, I stumbled upon SFI Marketing but because of lack of focus, I stopped on the way due to internet noise and obstructions. I came back fully determined and decided to take it step by step.

The first thing that I did was to set my goals and a work plan with SMART objectives.

Here are my Main Goals:
1.      I am earning an extra income ($1,000/month) with SFI Marketing beginning April 2013.
2.      I am traveling to Cape Town on vacation with family by December 2013.

I am greatly determined because of the immense support and good features in this business; I have found a home.
  SFI Marketing Group akaStrong Future International” was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product, sold only in the United States, SFI has now grown to more than 92000 products and services (and growing daily) sold in more than 190 countries around the world. We now have many affiliates from Botswana and South Africa who are making money online with this company.

SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age (aged 18 years and above) in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There are no obligations or purchase requirements of any kind.

Once registered, an affiliate is provided with professional Website for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. More importantly, SFI also provides all the necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups. I can assure you that I started SFI and immediately started earning money.

My advice to the newbies is to do the following in order to reap the rewards that go with this online business:

There is something you can learn from the SFI ULTRA SIMPLE 3 STEPS here:

1.      Let us first see WHY you need QUALITY? You first have to understand what you are paid for in SFI. It is not quantity; it is not the Red tab clicking. So then what is it?

2.      Only people who buy something will make you 45% of CV in monetary commission plus people who BUILD THEIR TEAMS will also build your team, which will benefit you through the  source of income and that is MATCHING BONUS.

3.      Next, maybe they will not buy much, or even not build their teams, but could be very successful as an ECA and SELL A LOT on TripleClicks. That will make you 10% ECA Royalty bonus for LIFE! All that is very simple and well explained under SFI COMPENSATION PLAN here:

4.      Only ONE HIGH QUALITY affiliate can potentially benefit you much! He/she can sell in thousands of money as an ECA, can bring thousands of new people, and can maybe decide to buy whatever he need in his house every month from TripleClicks. And we all spend a lot of money every month to buy what we need in house. With increasing number of LOCAL ECA and with new LOCAL PAY program now MORE THAN EVER before make sense to switch your buying habit and buy from YOUR OWN STORE - TripleClicks.

You will get products you need anyway but you will get Versa Points (VP) to maintain your rank. This means that you don't spend some extra money but you definitely build your online business. Other people can realize that also, so your job is to tell them about that and that will make you 45% of CV in  commissions of all they buy at TripleClicks making your own purchases actually FREE. And later on you will end up with some extra money in your pocket.

This is WHY you should look for QUALITY and not QUANTITY. I know, some think that QUANTITY produces Quality, but actually the truth is: it is just your NATURAL tendency which prevents you to spot EAGLES! And EAGLES NEVER FLY IN A FLOCK! And they NEVER fly with MANY sparrows!

You have to understand FUNNEL MARKETING from LaunchPad Day 16:

Simple you set some kind of filters in a form of GOALS and watch who will pass that. Than you rise the goals and watch again. The once who can FLY HIGH are YOUR EAGLES. While you do that you could help them a little bit as it is explained under BE AN AWESOME SPONSOR.

SFI will help you a lot with setting GOALS while at the same time they would offer some PRIZES for fulfilling them, like FAST TRACK badge and 200 VP BONUS, like E365, DailyGrand Prizes, many recognitions etc... You just have to use that and filter out through your Genealogy report who are your eagles: small but with a potential, or already grown BIG EAGLES WATCH CAREFULLY and never waste your time.

It’s obvious you should look not for many small birds but EAGLES. That is why I highly recommend to all of you to read, if you haven't done so, this article from Gery Carson: Quality (Not Quantity) & The Power of Duplication:

If you don't understand the concept how to succeed you will end up with frustration and even maybe some money wasted wrong ways and on the wrong things attracted by all that "shiny objects". You certainly don't want that. It is also explained in the article above: Many SFI affiliates sponsor dozens, even hundreds of affiliates and never see great success. WHY? The answer is on that link:

 I hope this is helpful to you and your SFI endeavors!


Thursday 25 July 2013

The Dirty Truth about Network Marketing Unveiled

Is it for people without a college degree like stay at home mums or the unemployed youth on the street?
I stumbled across network marketing in 2003 when I was studying in the UK. I had seen an advert online and then followed it.  Later on I received a call from someone in New Zealand, who then referred me to someone in London. The rest is history…
 Network marketing is often associated with scams, but is more often than not a legitimate source of income.
Talk to people like Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump or someone who joined a network marketing opportunity, learned the ropes, took action and went on to build a wildly successful business that pays them a solid six-figure, residual income even multiple six-figure annual business and they will tell you that:
“Network marketing is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind for the average person without a lot of money to invest to become financially free.”
Here are some of the common misconceptions about network marketing or MLM:
1.      Network marketing is a scam
2.      Network marketing is a get rich quick scheme
3.      Network marketing is easy
4.      The newer the company, the better
5.      Network marketing is all about recruiting the highest number of people etc.
So what is the right answer? And if you think about it, neither really answers the question: “What is network marketing?”
What is Network Marketing?
Network marketing is way of doing business in which a sales force earns a commission not only for sales of products and services they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit and bring into the business, which creates a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple leveraged levels of compensation.
By definition, network marketing is a business strategy that compensates distributors not only for the sales they generate but also for the sales of the distributors they have recruited. It sounds like a pyramid scheme—a form of fraud that promises compensation for recruiting other people into the group rather than for selling any real product—but as of press time, it is considered legitimate. In fact, some of the top brands you may be familiar with are employing this marketing strategy. Avon, for example, has a direct selling program that has benefited a reported 5 million people all over the world.

Network Marketing: The Reality Unveiled
Here’s the unfortunately reality about network marketing…
No matter how you slice it, the only way you will ever build a highly profitable network marketing business is to be willing to master the art of sales, marketing and leadership. Because MLM is form of “direct sales” and no one makes a dime until products and services are sold. It’s that way in every business, not just network marketing.
So the critical point is to join a company, track down who is currently enjoying a level of success you aspire for, find out what they are doing… and simply be willing to do the same things. Which, of course, may require you to learn new skills and actually a few things (sales and marketing) you are not comfortable doing in the beginning. So what is network marketing?
  • Network marketing is a career choice and a profession.
  • Network marketing is a path to fame, fortune and time freedom.
  • Network marketing is a leadership development platform.
  • Network marking is fun, fast and exciting.
  • Network marketing is a proven “million dollar” business model.
The power of duplication in network marketing
Network marketing is a duplication business. It is a simple business where ordinary people can create extraordinary income. To be successful one must be a good “copycat” and be able teach others to do the same. There must be a good duplication process in place so that everyone in the network, new or old, would be able to follow the system and do the same thing in a simple way.

Network Marketing is a global business and it is important that everyone in the network have a simple system to follow regardless of his or her educational background, experience, and geographical location.

For duplication to be effective there is need for the following criteria:

1. There must be a system.
Network marketing, as a system, enables everyone in the organization to follow the pattern of success, which all the leaders have gone through. This is especially useful for new people because they will have a track to run on. The system may be simple or elaborate depending on the leaders of the organization. The system may include the following training, workshops, seminars, and materials. There should also be a compensation plan with some reading materials and audio-visual aids. Finally there should be some awards and recognition for the good achievers.

2. The system must be simple to follow.

The system must be simple because there will be people in the network with different social, educational, financial backgrounds and varying experience. For people to build a huge organization it is crucial that everyone in the network should be able to follow the system.

3. The system must be the same everywhere.

The system must be the same everywhere, regardless of the country or geographical location. This uniformity is essential to ensure the smooth running of the business as well as the identity of the organization.
Can you imagine if the McDonald’s logo and business set up are different in different places? This will surely lead to confusion.
I hope this clears the misconceptions that are out there.