Friday 26 July 2013

How To Make Money Online with SFI Marketing

In 2005 I developed a lot of interest in internet marketing and network marketing. As usual I met a lot of huddles along the way and wasted a lot of my hard earned money and got into serious credit card debt. I had not done a lot of homework; I had just jumped into internet marketing with all my feet  and as a result suffered a lot stress because I became broke.

As I was researching for the most suitable online business, I stumbled upon SFI Marketing but because of lack of focus, I stopped on the way due to internet noise and obstructions. I came back fully determined and decided to take it step by step.

The first thing that I did was to set my goals and a work plan with SMART objectives.

Here are my Main Goals:
1.      I am earning an extra income ($1,000/month) with SFI Marketing beginning April 2013.
2.      I am traveling to Cape Town on vacation with family by December 2013.

I am greatly determined because of the immense support and good features in this business; I have found a home.
  SFI Marketing Group akaStrong Future International” was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product, sold only in the United States, SFI has now grown to more than 92000 products and services (and growing daily) sold in more than 190 countries around the world. We now have many affiliates from Botswana and South Africa who are making money online with this company.

SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age (aged 18 years and above) in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There are no obligations or purchase requirements of any kind.

Once registered, an affiliate is provided with professional Website for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. More importantly, SFI also provides all the necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups. I can assure you that I started SFI and immediately started earning money.

My advice to the newbies is to do the following in order to reap the rewards that go with this online business:

There is something you can learn from the SFI ULTRA SIMPLE 3 STEPS here:

1.      Let us first see WHY you need QUALITY? You first have to understand what you are paid for in SFI. It is not quantity; it is not the Red tab clicking. So then what is it?

2.      Only people who buy something will make you 45% of CV in monetary commission plus people who BUILD THEIR TEAMS will also build your team, which will benefit you through the  source of income and that is MATCHING BONUS.

3.      Next, maybe they will not buy much, or even not build their teams, but could be very successful as an ECA and SELL A LOT on TripleClicks. That will make you 10% ECA Royalty bonus for LIFE! All that is very simple and well explained under SFI COMPENSATION PLAN here:

4.      Only ONE HIGH QUALITY affiliate can potentially benefit you much! He/she can sell in thousands of money as an ECA, can bring thousands of new people, and can maybe decide to buy whatever he need in his house every month from TripleClicks. And we all spend a lot of money every month to buy what we need in house. With increasing number of LOCAL ECA and with new LOCAL PAY program now MORE THAN EVER before make sense to switch your buying habit and buy from YOUR OWN STORE - TripleClicks.

You will get products you need anyway but you will get Versa Points (VP) to maintain your rank. This means that you don't spend some extra money but you definitely build your online business. Other people can realize that also, so your job is to tell them about that and that will make you 45% of CV in  commissions of all they buy at TripleClicks making your own purchases actually FREE. And later on you will end up with some extra money in your pocket.

This is WHY you should look for QUALITY and not QUANTITY. I know, some think that QUANTITY produces Quality, but actually the truth is: it is just your NATURAL tendency which prevents you to spot EAGLES! And EAGLES NEVER FLY IN A FLOCK! And they NEVER fly with MANY sparrows!

You have to understand FUNNEL MARKETING from LaunchPad Day 16:

Simple you set some kind of filters in a form of GOALS and watch who will pass that. Than you rise the goals and watch again. The once who can FLY HIGH are YOUR EAGLES. While you do that you could help them a little bit as it is explained under BE AN AWESOME SPONSOR.

SFI will help you a lot with setting GOALS while at the same time they would offer some PRIZES for fulfilling them, like FAST TRACK badge and 200 VP BONUS, like E365, DailyGrand Prizes, many recognitions etc... You just have to use that and filter out through your Genealogy report who are your eagles: small but with a potential, or already grown BIG EAGLES WATCH CAREFULLY and never waste your time.

It’s obvious you should look not for many small birds but EAGLES. That is why I highly recommend to all of you to read, if you haven't done so, this article from Gery Carson: Quality (Not Quantity) & The Power of Duplication:

If you don't understand the concept how to succeed you will end up with frustration and even maybe some money wasted wrong ways and on the wrong things attracted by all that "shiny objects". You certainly don't want that. It is also explained in the article above: Many SFI affiliates sponsor dozens, even hundreds of affiliates and never see great success. WHY? The answer is on that link:

 I hope this is helpful to you and your SFI endeavors!


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